Tuesday, July 29, 2014

When you can't write and can hardly move forward, make a movie!

There is some progress to report. The new behavior chart from the therapist is making a difference in Martin's choices and behaviors. It's not a dramatic difference, but we've seen some changes. We have finally worked through the process of identifying and scheduling an in-home ABA therapist's visit and some occupational therapy. I have also submitted an appeal to my employer's office that handles insurance coverage (or in our case, lack of coverage). Things are happening.

But it mostly feels like they are not happening. Yesterday, Martin still had some explosions. He kicked and pinched me at a public pool. He yelled at some children who stared at him in disbelief. His behavior at church on Sunday was the same old pattern of quiet interrupted by inexplicable physical and verbal chaos. Getting the new therapy appointments on the calendar seems to have taken forever. The insurance appeal will surely be turned down. And I can't finish a paper that's supposed to be drafted in less than a week.

So I am making a movie. Completely rational choice, right?

And I'm trying to make it through these long days with Martin, hauling him from playscape to pool to museum to YMCA in an effort to keep him busy and eventually make him exhausted.

You're all invited to the movie premier a few days from now.

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