This could be called Martin's first Christmas. Yes, he slobbered on some packages when he was 6 months old. He was excited to find an orange in his stocking last year. But this year, he gets it. And that is a big deal for me because we're Christians and we actually take this holiday seriously.
All month, we've been lighting advent candles at suppertime. Every morning, Martin removes a little cloth covering up another picture on the advent calendar. He's identified Mary and Joseph and their donkey, wise men, shepherds, and a few doves (although he keeps calling them pidgeons). He learns carols during Sunday school. The other day, he asked me who we should go see in Bethlehem. "I don't know," I said, "Who?" "Zechariah," Martin answered. This surprised me. Zechariah (not the Hebrew prophet) does feature in the Christmas story. He's John the Baptists's father and he has a lovely speech near the time of John's birth. I have no idea how Martin knows about Zechariah. But he does.
Tonight at church, Martin returned people's "hellos" and "how are yous" with his own "Merry Christmases." It's such a surprise to me. And also such a gift.
Peace and love and joy to all of you who follow our story. You are also a gift.
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